Why Momme Count Matters for Silk Pillowcases: Understanding the Importance of Quality Fabric

Why Momme Count Matters for Silk Pillowcases: Understanding the Importance of Quality Fabric

Laura Taylor Laura Taylor
19 minute read

Silk pillowcases have gained popularity in recent years due to their numerous benefits for skin and hair.

However, not all silk pillowcases are created equal. One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a silk pillowcase is the momme count.

Momme count refers to the weight of the silk fabric and is an indicator of its quality and durability.

It has to do with the weight of a 45 inches x 100 yard ream of silk.

A higher momme count means a thicker and more durable fabric.

That doesn't necessarily mean "a better pillowcase" mind you.

There is 30 momme silk that's out there that would be incredibly uncomfortable to sleep on: it's mostly used for drapes and the like.

Generally, a momme count of 19-25 is considered "the sweet spot" for silk pillowcases. Some prefer a lower momme count as it's more breathable, and can feel cooler and freer on your hair and face.

It is important to note that a higher momme count does not necessarily mean better quality, as the quality of the silk used also plays a crucial role in determining the overall quality of the pillowcase.

In summary, the momme count is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a silk pillowcase. It determines the thickness and durability of the fabric, which affects the longevity of the pillowcase. 

Understanding Momme Count

Momme count is an important factor to consider when purchasing silk pillowcases. Momme (mm) is a Japanese form of weight measurement used to grade the weight of silk.

It refers to the weight of a length of silk measuring 100 yards long by 45 inches wide.

The higher the momme weight, the thicker the fabric. 

Again, that does not necessarily mean "the better the pillowcase."

Another analogy can be diamond rings. 

A "bigger karat size" is often seen as "better" to the undiscerning.

However a better cut, clarity, etc. can often make a smaller diamond shine much brighter and more noticeably.

Similarly, while 30 momme silk may be thicker, you likely would not want to sleep on it, as it'd be like sleeping on drapery.

Similar to thread count in cotton sheets, momme count is a unit of measurement that denotes the weight of silk.

As momme increases, silk is heavier and denser in weave.

Silk pillowcases typically range from 19-30 momme weights.

When selecting a momme weight for a silk pillowcase, one thing that's important to consider is the durability of the silk.

A higher momme count theoretically means that the silk is thicker and can withstand heavy-duty washing, ensuring that the silk pillowcase lasts for years to come.

However, durability also depends on the quality of the silk being used. 

It's important to note that a higher momme count doesn't necessarily mean better quality silk.

The quality of the silk depends on various factors, including the type of silk and the manufacturing process.

However, a higher momme count does indicate a thicker silk fabric.

In summary, momme count is a crucial factor to consider when purchasing a silk pillowcase. It denotes the weight and thickness of the silk fabric.

Importance of Momme Count in Silk Pillowcases

Unlike thread count, which is used to measure the number of threads in a square inch of cotton fabric, momme count is used to determine the weight of silk fabric.

A higher momme count means that more silk was used in the production of the pillowcase, resulting in a denser and heavier fabric. 

When shopping for silk pillowcases, it is important to pay attention to the momme count. A momme count of at least 19 is considered to be of superior quality.

From my personal experience, I've tested out silk pillowcases from 19 momme to 25 momme. And honestly, I can say I enjoyed the 19 momme cases best.

The 19 momme cases are more breathable than 22 momme and especially 25 momme cases.

With a 25 momme case, I started to get a bit of that "drapery" feeling on my hair and face. Kind of like canvas compared to cotton if that makes sense?

A 19 momme high-quality silk pillowcase is really the sweet spot that I've found with the best comfort, durability, and breathability of all silk pillowcases.

Comparing Momme Count with Other Fabrics

Momme count is a unit of measurement that is used to determine the quality of silk fabric. However, it is not the only unit of measurement used to determine the quality of fabrics. Other fabrics, such as cotton, also use units of measurement to determine their quality. In this section, we will compare momme count with other fabrics and their respective units of measurement.

Cotton is a popular fabric that is used for bedding and clothing. The quality of cotton is determined by its thread count.

Thread count is the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric. The higher the thread count, the softer and more durable the fabric is.

However, a higher thread count does not always mean better quality. A high thread count can also mean that the fabric is tightly woven, which can make it less breathable (similar to silk).

Silk, on the other hand, uses momme count to determine its quality. Momme count is the weight of 100 yards of silk that is 45 inches wide.

The higher the momme count, the heavier and more durable the silk is. A momme count of 19 or higher is considered to be extremely high quality.

However, a higher momme count does not always mean better quality. A higher momme count can also mean that the silk is less breathable.

When it comes to silk pillowcases, momme count is more important than thread count. Silk pillowcases with a higher momme count are more durable than those with a lower momme count. However like with everything, there are trade-offs: they are also more breathable, which can help regulate body temperature and prevent overheating.

Silk weave is another factor that can affect the quality of silk fabric. The most common silk weaves are charmeuse and habotai. Charmeuse is a satin weave that is smooth and lustrous on one side and dull on the other. Habotai is a plain weave that is lightweight and has a matte finish.

Charmeuse is more expensive and luxurious than habotai, but both weaves can be used to make high-quality silk pillowcases.

In conclusion, momme count is an important unit of measurement used to determine the quality of silk fabric. It is more important than thread count when it comes to silk pillowcases.

Other factors, such as silk weave, can also affect the quality of silk fabric. When choosing a silk pillowcase, it is important to consider all of these factors to ensure that you are getting a high-quality product.

How Momme Count Affects Price

Momme count is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing silk pillowcases. It affects the quality, durability, and price of the product.

The higher the momme count, the more silk is used in the pillowcase, making it more durable. However, this also means that the price of the pillowcase will increase as well.

This is why silk pillowcases with a higher momme count are considered an investment by some. They are more expensive upfront, but they will last longer and provide more benefits in the long run.

However, often times manufacturers will try to "stuff" the momme count up with inferior silk to pad their price points.

So recently, the trend has been a still objectively "great" momme rating of 19, but with higher-quality silk that naturally lasts longer.

Choosing the Right Momme Count for Your Silk Pillowcase

While a momme count of 11-16 is sometimes considered "good enough," a momme count of 19 and above is considered high quality, as it is more durable than other silk types. In fact, silk pillowcases with a momme count of 19 and above are considered to be of the highest quality, as they are more durable, denser in weave, and have a smoother feel.

On the other hand, silk pillowcases with a low momme count, such as 17mm or lower, are ideal for lightweight items such as light blouses, silk dresses, and summer scarves. A momme count of 15 is considered too thin for a pillowcase, while 30 mm is too thick, often compared to "sleeping on drapes."

It's important to note that the momme count is not the only factor that determines the quality of silk.

The grade of silk is also an important consideration. Silk has three primary grades: A, B, and C.

The highest quality silk is grade A, which is made from the long fibers of the silk worm.

Grade B and C silk are made from shorter fibers and are therefore less durable and of lower quality.

In conclusion, when choosing a silk pillowcase, it's important to consider both the momme count and the grade of silk.

I have personally found that a momme count of 19 and grade A silk are the best options for those looking for a high-quality, durable silk pillowcase.

Quality Indicators of Silk Pillowcases

When shopping for silk pillowcases, there are several quality indicators to consider to ensure that you are getting a product that is worth your investment. Here are some of the most important factors to keep in mind:

Pure Mulberry Silk

One of the most important quality indicators for silk pillowcases is the type of silk used. Pure mulberry silk is widely considered to be the highest quality silk available, as it is produced by silkworms that feed exclusively on mulberry leaves. This results in a silk that is smoother, more durable, and more lustrous than other types of silk.

Grade 6A or Grade A

Another important quality indicator is the grade of the silk. Grade 6A silk is the highest quality silk available, as it is made from the longest and finest silk fibers. Grade A silk is also of high quality, but it is made from slightly shorter fibers. Both grades are soft, durable, and luxurious, and are ideal for use in silk pillowcases.

Many manufacturers will skimp on the grade of silk, and just "stuff the momme" to try to get to a 22 or 25 momme level as a marketing device.

That's why I only trust manufacturers who use the highest-quality, 6A silk in their pillowcases.

Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Certification

Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification is a third-party certification that ensures that a product is free from harmful substances and has been manufactured in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible way. Look for silk pillowcases that have been certified to this standard to ensure that you are getting a product that is safe and sustainable.

Silk Grade

Silk grade is another important quality indicator for silk pillowcases. The grade of the silk refers to the thickness and weight of the silk fibers used in the product. A higher silk grade generally indicates a higher quality product, as it means that the silk fibers are thicker and more durable.

In summary, when shopping for silk pillowcases, it is important to look for products made from pure mulberry silk, with a high grade (6A or A), and that have been certified to Oeko-Tex Standard 100. Additionally, paying attention to the silk grade can help ensure that you are getting a high-quality product that will last for years to come.

Benefits of High Momme Silk Pillowcases

Silk pillowcases have been gaining popularity due to their numerous benefits for beauty and overall wellness. But did you know that the momme count of a silk pillowcase can greatly affect its effectiveness?

Momme count refers to the weight of silk fabric per 100 yards. A higher momme count indicates a denser and more durable silk fabric. A high momme count silk pillowcase offers several benefits over a low momme count one.

Hypoallergenic Surface

Silk is naturally hypoallergenic, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin. A high momme count silk pillowcase provides a smoother and more tightly woven surface, reducing the likelihood of irritation or allergic reactions.

Reduces Hair Breakage

A silk pillowcase can help reduce hair breakage by minimizing friction and tension on the hair. A high momme count silk pillowcase provides a smoother surface, reducing the likelihood of hair tangling and breakage.

Minimizes Sleep Wrinkles

Sleeping on a silk pillowcase can help minimize sleep wrinkles by reducing friction and tension on the skin. A high momme count silk pillowcase provides a smoother surface, reducing the likelihood of sleep wrinkles and fine lines.

In conclusion, a high momme count silk pillowcase over 15 (and ideally at 19 momme) offers several benefits over a low momme count one. It provides a smoother and more durable surface, reducing the likelihood of irritation, hair breakage, and sleep wrinkles. When shopping for a silk pillowcase, it is important to consider the momme count to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment.

Caring for Your Silk Pillowcase

Silk pillowcases are not only luxurious but also delicate and require special care to maintain their quality. It is important to follow the care instructions to ensure that your silk pillowcase lasts longer and stays in good condition.

Machine Washable

Some silk pillowcases are machine washable, but it is important to check the care instructions before washing. Use a gentle cycle and a mild detergent to avoid damaging the silk fibers. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners as they can damage the silk fibers and reduce the softness of the pillowcase.


Silk pillowcases can be ironed, but it is important to use a low heat setting. High heat can damage the silk fibers and cause them to become brittle. It is also important to avoid ironing directly on the silk surface. Instead, place a cotton or linen cloth over the pillowcase and iron over it.

Care Instructions

It is important to follow the care instructions provided with your silk pillowcase. Some pillowcases may require dry cleaning, while others may be machine washable. The care instructions will also provide information on the appropriate temperature and detergent to use.

In summary, caring for your silk pillowcase is essential to maintain its quality and prolong its lifespan. Always check the care instructions before washing or ironing your pillowcase. With proper care, your silk pillowcase will continue to provide a luxurious and comfortable sleep experience.

Exploring Different Silk Products

Silk is a luxurious fabric that has been used for centuries, and it's no surprise that it has become a popular material for bedding and sleepwear. When it comes to silk pillowcases, the momme count is an important factor to consider. But momme count is not the only thing to consider when exploring different silk products.

Silk Sheets: Silk sheets are a popular choice for those who want a luxurious sleep experience. They are soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic, making them a great choice for people with sensitive skin or allergies. When choosing silk sheets, look for a momme count between 19 and 25 (the "luxury sweet spot") for the perfect balance of softness and durability.

Silk Pajamas: Silk pajamas are another popular silk product that many people enjoy. They are lightweight, breathable, and comfortable, making them a great choice for summer nights. When choosing silk pajamas, look for a momme count between 16 and 22 for the perfect balance of comfort and durability.

Luxury Bedding: Silk bedding is the ultimate in luxury bedding. It's soft, comfortable, and breathable, making it the perfect choice for a good night's sleep. When choosing silk bedding, look for a momme count between 19 and 25 for the perfect balance of softness and durability.

Sheet Set: A silk sheet set is a great way to experience the luxury of silk without breaking the bank. When choosing a silk sheet set, look for a momme count between 19 and 25 for the perfect balance of softness and durability.

In conclusion, when exploring different silk products, the momme count is an important factor to consider. It's important to choose a momme count that is appropriate for the product you are buying to ensure that you get the best quality and durability.


In conclusion, the momme count is an essential factor to consider when purchasing a silk pillowcase. It determines the quality, durability, and overall performance of the product. A higher momme count means a thicker, more luxurious silk fabric that will last longer and withstand heavy-duty washing.

When choosing a silk pillowcase, it is crucial to consider the brand and their customer service. Investing in a high-quality silk pillowcase is an investment in your skin and hair health, and it is essential to ensure that you are getting a product that meets your standards.

It is important to note that a higher momme count does not necessarily mean a better product. Some people may prefer a lower momme count for a softer, more delicate feel. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for your needs.

When shopping for a silk pillowcase, it is also crucial to ensure that you are getting an authentic product that is made from 100 percent pure mulberry silk, and grade 6A (the highest grade). Beware of manufacturer or brands that are not 6A pure mulberry silk, and that don't have the relevant certifications. There are also plenty of cheap imitations that may be labeled as silk but are made from synthetic materials.

Overall, the momme count is an essential factor to consider when purchasing a silk pillowcase. By investing in a high-quality product, you can enjoy the many benefits of silk, including smoother skin, shinier hair, and a more comfortable sleep experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the highest momme count for silk pillowcases?

The highest momme count for silk pillowcases is typically 30. However, a momme count of 30 is not necessarily the best choice for a silk pillowcase. The thickness of the silk can make it feel heavy and uncomfortable to sleep on.

Is 25 momme silk better than 22 momme?

A momme count of 25 is generally considered to be a higher quality than 22 momme. The higher momme count means that the silk is thicker and more durable, which can help the pillowcase last longer. However personally I did not like a 25 momme pillowcase! Even then I started to feel the "canvas-like," drape-like feel of the thicker silk.

What is the best momme count for silk pillowcases?

The best momme count for silk pillowcases can vary depending on personal preference. However, most people find that a momme count between 19 and 22 is ideal. This range provides a good balance between durability, comfort, and affordability.

Is 19 momme mulberry silk better than 22?

While a momme count of 22 is generally considered to be higher quality than 19, the type of silk used can also make a difference. If the 19 momme silk is made from high-quality mulberry silk (like these luxurious silk pillowcases), it can be just as luxurious and durable as a 22 momme pillowcase made from lower quality silk.

Is 30 momme silk worth it?

A momme count of 30 can be worth it for certain silk products, such as heavy drapes or upholstery. However, it is not necessary or recommended for silk pillowcases. The heavy weight of the silk can make the pillowcase uncomfortable to sleep on.

What are the benefits of a high momme count for silk pillowcases?

A high momme count for silk pillowcases means that the fabric is thicker and potentially more durable. This can help the pillowcase last longer and withstand heavy-duty washing. However the flip side is that the thicker the momme count, the more "burlap-like" it can start to feel--think silk drapes instead of perfect satin-y pillowcases.

The "Dirty Trick" Many Silk Pillowcase Makers Use On Unsuspecting Customers...

There is a practice in our industry that I am absolutely appalled about!

It goes something like this:

Silk pillowcase manufacturers know that consumers are knowledgable about "momme count."

All "momme count" means is the weight of a given amount of the silk fabric in question.

Now here's where it gets more than a little dodgy:

Bad actor manufacturers know that to the average customer... "more momme count = better."

(By the way... nothing could be further from the truth! But more on that in a minute...)

So these bad actors engage in a little something called "momme stuffing."

That's when they take inferior quality silk... and use 25 momme count of it in their pillowcases.

Note this silk is almost always NOT grade 6A...

And NOT even 100% Mulberry Silk...

(Yes... these folks cut their silk with inferior silk or even other substances like rayon).

If you buy these momme-stuffed pillowcases... you probably won't even notice until it goes through the wash a couple of times...

And then it'll feel weird... and "non-silk-like."

You'll feel like a dupe... and you might even swear off silk FOREVER!

Listen to me: that would be the worst decision you could possibly make!

That's because silk pillowcases are a HUGE life upgrade!

You shouldn't let a few bad actors spoil silk for you... and get rid of ALL of the skin and health benefits of sleeping on silk every night.

Instead, do what I do:

Trust the RIGHT silk pillowcase manufacturers.

Work with folks who will always:

-Use 100% Grade 6A Mulberry Silk

-Get the proper momme count for the pillowcase in question, and

-Who use only the finest silk suppliers in small batches from across the world.

Of course, there's one silk pillowcase company that I think stands above the rest...

And you can pick up their top-quality, Grade 6A 100% Mulberry Silk pillowcases right here:

Click Here for the Absolute BEST Silk Pillowcases I've Been Able to Find

P.S. - You may notice that these silk pillowcases ^^^ are "only" 19 momme.

That's because they tested the actual pillowcases... and when you have the highest quality silk, all you NEED is 19 momme.

Anything higher and it becomes less breathable... and starts to feel more like drapery.

So click here now for the finest silk pillowcase on the market optimized for your perfect sleep and skin.

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